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瑞士 普乐施 BRUNOX TURBO-SPRAY 高科技 优质产品
真正的 清、润、保

- maintenance - cleaning - repair works
- production - storage - transportation

of machines, precision tools, semi-finished and finished products, vehicles, plants and electrical instruments of all kinds

BRUNOX Turbo-Spray, the only multi-function-spray with the additive TUROBLINE which guarantees a high capillary effect and the best coverage
BRUNOX Turbo-Spray is sprayed on to metal surfaces, displaces water and provides protection against humidity and aggressive environmental influences such as acid atmospheres, chimney gas-steams etc.. By applying BRUNOX Turbo-Spray an invisible, compact 1-2 my thick non-hardening anti-corrosive film is formed, providing reliable protection.
BRUNOX Turbo-Spray can be removed without difficulty with cleaning materials (tensides)

旺角: 华新电工器材有限公司
香港. 九龙. 旺角. 新填地街. 421A 地下. 电话:+852 2308 1282

大围. 大围村第一街14A地下 (近积福街 - 冼次云小学对面).
电话: +852 6249 8849

葵涌: 野村精机(国际)有限公司
葵涌. 梨木道79号. 亚洲贸易中心. 地下3号. 电话:+852 2463 4863

元朗: 自力家私公司
元朗. 西菁街10号地下. 电话:+852 2451 6855

瑞士 普乐施 BRUNOX LUB&COR 高科技 优质产品
瑞士 普乐施 BRUNOX LUBRI-FOOD 高科技 优质产品
瑞士 普乐施 BRUNOX

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